Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

Yes, today is the first official day of Autumn. It is bittersweet on the Sod Farm. The pool guy is closing the pool tomorrow and the leaves on our sycamore trees are already starting to fall. The oaks are dropping acorns for the squirrels and the soybean field behind our house is turning a lovely golden color.

If you have not figured it out yet, fall is my favorite time of year. High school football games on Friday night. College football on Saturday. Tailgate parties with my fraternity buddies. Basball playoffs and the World Series. Sunday afternoon Eagles games and a pot roast in the crock pot. Mmmmm..... Picking pumpkins, planting mums, decorating the house with corn stalks and hay bales, making jack-o-lanterns, etc. I love fall for so many reasons.

Perhaps one of the top reasons is that Fall is a great time for camping. I am fortunate enough to be heading out in October for a few days at Ives Run. Come home for two days and the go back out for a camping and fly fishing trip with my brother. Come home for 2 weeks and then off to Algonquin Provincial Park for my annual "guys only" trip. Life is good.